Birthday Selfcare - Rach Royalty | Defining Selfcare: S1 - E3

Back again self care besties!
As I'm sure you alllll know, we celebrated our 3rd business birthday on March 30th! 🥳 We had an amazing day and to celebrate we hosted a giveaway and engaged with our community through an Instagram Live.
Being intentional about celebrating our birthday got me thinking.. how do YOU celebrate your birthday? What is YOUR birthday self care routine?
In this third episode of Defining Self Care we'll be focusing on BIRTHDAY SELF CARE. Let's get into it!
Many people opt out of celebrating their birthday for various reasons: they may have a bad memory of that day or they may feel that their birthday isn't worth celebrating. Honestly, there are a myriad of reasons why people choose NOT to celebrate their birthday, so today, I'll be sharing seven reasons WHY you should and help you with some ideas to cultivate your own unique birthday self care routine.
- You birthday was your beginning
- It is a chance to be intentional about acknowledging your existence
- As Koffee said, "Gratitude is a must!"
- Reflection is a key pillar for growth
- Morning by morning new mercies you shall see
- It is an opportunity to bond with your community and welcome the appreciation and/or gifts
- You only have one life - celebrate YOU every chance you get
- You birthday was your beginning
Out of all the eggs, you were the lucky one! Lol, that is reason enough to celebrate. You were born a winner. Remind yourself whenever you feel like a loser or a failure that your very existence is a testament that you were born to win. You are here on this earth, alive, for a reason.
You may not know what it is now but I'm sure if you stick around long enough and be intentional about your growth you will walk in your God given purpose. Every single birthday you have is a reminder to yourself that God is not done with you and he is not done working through you. You are alive because there is still a purpose for you to fulfill. Isn't that worth celebrating? Every day isn't perfect. You will fall. You will make mistakes. However, your birthday is another chance to say yes to life, yes to God, yes to yourself and yes to your purpose. Own that. Own who you are and CELEBRATE IT. Don't look back in your life with regret for not appreciating all of who you are when you had the chance.
And also, your celebration doesn't have to be a huge bonanza. You may not be where you want to be financially and that's okay. You are on a unique journey. Create a celebration WITHIN YOUR BUDGET. Also, if you'd like to do something big for your birthday ... CREATE A BIRTHDAY FUND. You deserve it boo!
2. It is a chance to be intentional about acknowledging your existence
It's easy to go with the motions throughout the year. Wake up, work, sleep, repeat. It's easy to get stuck in a routine. Now, nothing is inherently wrong with a routine. In fact, I love routines. I think a solid routine can simplify, organize and make your life wayyyy easier. However, life IS what happens when you are busy making plans! So on this day, ditch the routine and have some (safe and conscious 😂) fun! A yuh born day, as some older Jamaicans would say, so relish in your existence and make some intentional plans to celebrate YOU in a way that YOU want.
3. As Koffee said, "Gratitude is a must!
'Blessings all pon mi life and
Me thank God for di journey, di earnings a jus fi di plus (yeah)
Gratitude is a must, yeah'
Madam Koffee said we 'Cyaan' bawl ina life man'. So if you had any negative experiences surrounding your birthday, I encourage you to turn a new chapter! Grab your life by the reins and re-write your memories.
Gratitude helps you feel more positive emotions, improve your health and helps build strong relationships. Show gratitude on your special day that you were on the wake-up list!
4. Reflection is a key pillar for growth
You will never experience the growth you desire if you don't set time aside to reflect. Reflect on the good and the bad and identify areas for growth. None a we nuh perfect. We can all use a good reflective session. Reflecting on who you were on your last birthday and who you are now is a good thing to do for the sake of your personal growth. So sit down and reflect, journal, talk with your friends or partner about your growth (or the lack thereof 👀😅, YIKES!) and based on your findings identify areas for improvement and give yourself a hug!
5. Morning by morning new mercies you shall see
'Great is thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed thy hands have provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.'
Give yourself grace. As Maya Angelou said, do the BEST you can until you know better, then when you know better DO BETTER. Don't beat yourself up over what you wished you knew in the past. Give yourself some grace because Jesus sure extends grace and mercy to us! We all make mistakes and we all have those cringy moments where we wished to Jesus up above that we didn't do or say something. But, newsflash - we already did. We can't rewrite the past but we can write the future. Let God lead you and commit yourself to learning so that you can make wise decisions.
6. It is an opportunity to bond with your community and welcome the appreciation and/or gifts
No man is an island and no man stands alone. Let your community appreciate you. If you don't have a community feel free to join ours! We'll send you a birthday email bestie! Who we surround ourselves with is a major factor in the way we live our lives. Scholars submit that we are the sum total of our closest friends. Evaluate your community and if they mean you well EMBRACE THEM and celebrate with them!
7. You only have one life - celebrate YOU every chance you get
Seven is God's perfect number and God made YOU perfectly YOU. There is no one else like you! Even if you're an identical twin there is still a difference between you and your sibling. Psalm 139:14 says, " I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
You are the work of God himself. He made you exactly WHO and HOW you are supposed to be. Don't let society, your friends, your family or your own negative thoughts tell you otherwise. On our Pink Lemonade Face Soufflé we added the affirmation: "You are enough" on our label. On your birthday REMIND yourself that YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are exactly who you are supposed to be. You have one life. Live it. Live. Live. Live. Create new memories. Live every day and every waking moment with gratitude for the very breath that is in your lungs because none of us know when that breath will cease to flow through our lungs.
Don't wait until you are dying to have a will to live. Honour your now and live!
Whew! Personally, I am so encouraged to be just writing this. I feel like God is writing through me! Amen, lol. I hope this inspired you to have a new outlook and birthdays and what selfcare can look like for your birthday. Act within your budget now and if you have grand plans create a birthday fund that you save towards for the entire year. YOU DESERVE IT.
Here's our Pink Lemonade Face Soufflé. Read the label. You are enough. Treat yourself like you are enough. Celebrate YOU.
Thanks for investing the time to read this. We’ll be here, same time (4PM) , same place (on this blog), next week Wednesday!
If you found this blog post helpful download your free copy of our "Defining Self-Care E-book" for the full Defining Self-Care Series.
Until next time, keep #GlowingLikeRoyalty 🥂
Check out our quality self care products here: www.rachroyalty.com
1 comentario
Wow this was absolutely amazing . My fav blog post to date . Can’t wait to see more