Self Care on A Budget: Defining Selfcare - E5 - Rach Royalty
Welcome to your self care safe space bestie! In this episode of Defining Self Care we will be discussing Self Care on A Budget!
Let’s face it, we’re all at different stages of our self care journey and sometimes... we have to practice self care on a budget! At the heart of self care is, quite literally, taking care of yourself! In this episode of Defining Self Care we are equipping you with the tips and tools to maximize your self care experience (because having a self care routine is NECESSARY: $$ or not!) on a budget.
Here are 3 tips for practicing self care on a budget and 10 budget friendly self care ideas!
1. Mind your OWN business.
We love the beautiful aesthetic videos and pictures. The pampas grass, the expensive artwork and the expensive candle burning in the background as people sip on some expensive wine. While this is great and is always ✨giving what it’s supposed to give✨. However, what are you going to do if you can’t afford all those luxuries ✨at this time✨?
My encouragement to you is to mind your own business. Literally. Remove the need to compare yourself, your friends, life, home and finances to other persons you DO NOT KNOW on the internet (or even people you know in real life). There is a beauty in honouring, respecting and being grateful for who and where you are in your life journey.
Dreaming is great, working towards a life of luxury is awesome! In the mean time though, don’t delay your happiness UNTIL you attain a certain financial status to afford your dream life. Be grateful for the NOW and make the best of your present situation. Life is short and fleeting and you don’t have to delay your happiness for the future. Make the most of now.
2. Address your basic needs
Luxury is great, but did you drink a glass of water? That’s usually not expensive (unless you only drink Fiji water 👀). Covering our basic needs doesn’t have to be expensive (though I know it can be). On your budget self care journey check in with yourself and address the basics: drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, exercising, praying, socializing, showering, keeping up with your dental hygiene and ensuring you have a balanced diet.
3. Get creative
If your budget is tight get creative! Can’t afford to get coffee every morning this week? Make it at home. Can’t afford to eat out this week? Cook at home. Can’t afford your gym membership this month? Exercise at home or at your local park 👀 In different seasons and stages of your life do what works FOR YOU.
10 Budget Friendly Self Care Ideas
1. Go to church
Feeding your spirit will lift your physical mood. “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7 NLT). In working towards the future give all your fears and worries about the future and life’s uncertainties to God. Jesus is waiting on you to reach out to him and develop a relationship with him - and one of the best parts is... IT’S FREE! 🥳
2. Go to your local park
This is your friendly reminder that (most) parks are free. Being in nature, breathing in the fresh air and getting some Vitamin D does WONDERS for your mood, mental and physical health. Self care is holistic, and clearing your mind/exercising is essential to your self care routine. You can:
- have a picnic whether with your friends or by yourself.
- Read a book
- Exercise/take a walk
3. You don’t have to use the ‘brand names’.
True Story: I was SHOCKED, when I found out that ‘no-name’ storage bags carried the same (honestly very comparable) quality as ziploc bags for a FRACTION of the cost. We love a good high quality item! However it must make financial sense. Why spend 4x more on a name brand item when you can get the same quality product for 1/4 of the cost? Do your personal inventory and find ways to maximize your current budget in a way that makes sense to you.
4. Beware of: ‘Treat yourself’
How many of you are guilty of over-spending in the name of ‘treat yourself’? 👀 How about we treat ourselves by honouring our budget 😅😂 I mean, hey, I’m a ‘treat myself’ kinda person but I can’t hide my over-spending habits under the cloak of that title. By ALL means, treat yourself. Life is worth living and enjoying! We are working towards an entire ‘treat yourself’ life. Until you can spend without checking the price create a ‘treat yourself’ schedule. Maybe everyday is a bit excessive, how about ‘treat yourself Friday’s & Saturday’s?’
5. Meet-up with friends: budget edition
Not every get together with friends needs to be expensive! You can meet with friends at the park and just sit, talk, laugh and have fun. While you work towards that destination vacation go out to the park and play a game or have a sleepover!
6. Journal/ Create a gratitude list
Clear your mind! Journal on your phone in the notes app or write a journal entry! Make a list of things you can be grateful for.
7. Get crafty!
Draw, paint, colour, make a DIY project for your home - you name it. Want some nice decor for your home but can’t afford it right now? Get creative and find a way to make it yourself! That way you can get a comparable item and have fun creating it in the process.
8. DIY Self care
Can’t afford your pedicure this month? Get a body scrub from us and give yourself a pedicure at home! Can’t afford your massage this month? Get a body oil from us and ask your friend/partner to give you a massage instead. As I said, do what makes sense for you in the season you’re in!
9. Be KIND to yourself
This is self-explanatory. Give yourself grace! And keep working towards the life you wan’t.
10. Do something that made you happy as a child
Don’t take yourself so seriously. Allow yourself to have fun. Liked playing tag as a child? Get some friends together and play! I’m sure you had fun as a child FOR FREE. Whether running around at school or playing with family. Hold on to that and find unique ways to re-create that in your adult life.
I hope you found this blog helpful! Proper financial stewardship is self care too! We are always happy to share useful information with our community. Subscribe to our email list to be notified of each blog post like this and get exclusive behind the scenes content about our brand!
Thanks for tuning in to this week’s edition of Rach Royalty Weekly. We’ll be here, same time (4PM) , same place (on this blog), next week Wednesday!
If you found this blog post helpful download your free copy of our "Defining Self-Care E-book" for the full Defining Self-Care Series.
Until next time, keep #GlowingLikeRoyalty 🥂
Check out our quality self care products here: www.rachroyalty.com